Kids and Tummies
Pediatric Gastroenterologists located in Gulfport, MS & Ocean Springs, MS
The board-certified team at Kids and Tummies in Gulfport and Ocean Springs, Mississippi, provides expert care for your child’s abdominal pain. They are skilled in diagnosing your child’s condition and have the expertise to provide successful treatment. To schedule an appointment, call the friendly practice today or book your appointment online.
Upper Endoscopy Specialist
Upper Endoscopy Q & A
What is an upper endoscopy?
An upper endoscopy is a procedure that uses a device called an endoscope to look closely at the lining of your child’s esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine.
Your gastroenterologist first puts your child under anesthesia and then performs the procedure. The endoscope, which is a long, flexible tube that has a light on the end, goes through your child’s mouth, down the esophagus and through the stomach to the upper small intestine. The test lasts about 15-20 minutes.
Issues such as swelling, redness, bleeding, infections, and ulcers can be seen. Your provider can also take a small sample of tissue for examination.
What are the preparation requirements for my child’s upper endoscopy?
The team gives you specific prep instructions so you know what to expect. But in general, before an upper endoscopy, your child needs to abstain from all food and liquids for at least three hours before the procedure. Prior to the three hours, your child can only drink clear liquids, such as Pedialyte, apple juice, pulp-free lemonade, light-colored soda, and water.
If you have an infant who is having the procedure, you can breastfeed them or give them formula up to six hours before. They can’t have any other liquids or solid foods eight hours beforehand.
Your child shouldn’t chew gum, eat hard candy, or suck on cough drops. These actions can delay your child’s procedure.
One week before the procedure, your child shouldn’t take any aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Continue to refrain from these three days after the procedure, as well. However, your child can take acetaminophen.
The instructions for your child may vary slightly from these guidelines, so follow the specific directions given to you by the Kids and Tummies team.
What can I expect after my child’s upper endoscopy?
Your provider talks to you immediately after the procedure. In most cases, a diagnosis can be confirmed and a plan of treatment for your child can begin.
When your child wakes up, they can have clear liquids. If they tolerate liquids well, then they can have a light snack.
The team recommends that your child rests for a few hours while the anesthesia leaves their system. Have them avoid active sports for the rest of the day, like riding bikes, running, or anything that calls for coordination.
To learn more about an upper endoscopy or to find out if your child might need one, call Kids and Tummies to make an appointment or schedule a visit online.
Accepting New Patients
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Primary Services
The team offers comprehensive evaluations and therapies, treating each young patient with personalized care. They include the entire family in the child’s treatment, making visits and treatments an all-inclusive experience. The personalized attention they give children to ensure their successful outcomes make them a standout practice.
To schedule an appointment, call Kids and Tummies today or book an appointment online.

Monday to Friday : 8am – 4pm