Kids and Tummies
Pediatric Gastroenterologists located in Gulfport, MS & Ocean Springs, MS
The board-certified team at Kids and Tummies in Gulfport and Ocean Springs, Mississippi, provides expert care for your child’s abdominal pain. They are skilled in diagnosing your child’s condition and have the expertise to provide successful treatment. To schedule an appointment, call the friendly practice today or book your appointment online.
Capsule Endoscopy Specialist
Capsule Endoscopy Q & A
What is a capsule endoscopy?
A capsule endoscopy is an FDA-approved procedure that uses a very small, wireless camera to take pictures of the inside of your child’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It’s used to detect conditions such as, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or GI bleeding. The camera sits inside a tiny capsule shaped like a pill.
Before the procedure occurs, your provider walks you and your child through all of the steps.
What happens during the capsule endoscopy procedure?
Your child then swallows the capsule with a glass of water, and the camera starts taking thousands of images as it travels through their body. The pictures are transmitted to a recording device your chid wears.
The only precautions to take after your child has ingested the capsule include waiting a few hours before drinking clear liquids, waiting four hours before having a snack, and avoiding strenuous exercise. Otherwise, your child can go about their daily activities.
Once the device passes through the body, you can let it flush down the toilet. Then you take your child back to Kids and Tummies where your provider collects the recording device.
Is a capsule endoscopy safe?
Capsule endoscopy has been found to be a safe procedure. It carries a small risk of getting stuck in the GI tract, but that usually happens in children that have a significant narrowing. A stuck capsule eventually passes on its own. In rare cases, if a capsule causes any issues, such as nausea, vomiting, or abdominal bleeding, it might need to be surgically removed.
Your gastroenterologist at Kids and Tummies can determine if a capsule endoscopy is the right choice for your child. If there’s any concern, your child may be able to have a traditional endoscopy instead to obtain the needed information.
How should my child prepare for capsule endoscopy?
Before your child has the procedure, they should stick to a diet of clear liquids for the entire previous day. They also need a laxative to clean out the GI tract so the camera can get clear images. They also need to avoid medications that might cause interference with the camera. The team gives you specific instructions ahead of time so you know exactly how to prepare.
To learn more about capsule endoscopy and to find out if it’s right for your child, call Kids and Tummies today or book an appointment online.
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Primary Services
The team offers comprehensive evaluations and therapies, treating each young patient with personalized care. They include the entire family in the child’s treatment, making visits and treatments an all-inclusive experience. The personalized attention they give children to ensure their successful outcomes make them a standout practice.
To schedule an appointment, call Kids and Tummies today or book an appointment online.

Monday to Friday : 8am – 4pm